Peer-reviewed conference publications
- Bañados Schwerter, Felipe; Clark, Allison M.; Jafery, Khurram A. and Garcia, Ronald. Abstracting Gradual Typing Moving Forward: Precise and Space-Efficient. POPL ‘21.
- Bañados Schwerter, Felipe. Side effects take the blame. SLE ‘16
- Bañados Schwerter, Felipe; Garcia, Ronald and Tanter, Éric. A theory of Gradual Effect Systems. ICFP ‘14
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Bañados Schwerter, Felipe; Garcia, Ronald and Tanter, Éric. Gradual Type-and-Effect Systems. Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 26.
Bergel, Alexandre; Bañados, Felipe; Robbes, Romain and Röthlisberger, David. Spy: A flexible code profiling framework. CLS&S
Bergel, Alexandre; Bañados, Felipe; Robbes, Romain and Binder, Walter. Execution profiling blueprints. SPE.
Degree requirements
- Bañados Schwerter, Felipe. Gradual Typing for Generic Type-and-Effect Systems. MSc Thesis, University of Chile. Honorable Mention, XXII Latin American Masters Thesis Competition, CLEI